1. Make sure you talk to your insurance agent. Many property owners don't share with their insurance agents that they have a "vacation rental" not a "second home" or "long term rental." These are major differences in the insurance world. If you have your home insured only as a "second home" you may not be covered if a guest gets injured. Talk to your insurance agent today to make sure you are adequately insured. ***(Please make sure, if you have not done so already, to add Bennington Properties, LLC. as "Additionally Insured.")
2. Our insurance agent recommends no less than $1,000,000 liability coverage. Starting in 2009, we will require that all new homes to our program have at least $1,000,000 in coverage.
3. Every time you visit your home you should be thinking about safety. If the thought crosses your mind "could this be dangerous?" - don't wait, fix it. We will help you the best we can, but don't rely on us. If you ask us to fix something that is of safety concern give us a deadline and make sure we confirm that it has been done within that time frame.
4. Anytime you hire an independent contractor make sure they show you proof of Workers Compensation insurance if they have employees. If an employee gets hurt doing work at your home and the employer does NOT have worker's compensation insurance, then the State of Oregon will come after you to help pay for medical treatment for their injuries. (Bennington Properties carries workers compensation on all of our employees).
5. Always be on the look out for new safety hazards. Ask yourself questions, like; "What if there was a fire? What would happen if a young child was playing here?" etc.
Here are some of the things we have done recently to help protect your property and to help make it safer:
We have recently completed our Fall winterizing process. This includes a property “walk around” and safety inspection. We have removed any garden hoses to prevent freeze damage and installed missing foundation vents. Deck furniture and BBQs were moved into the garages of many of the homes. The safety inspection is targeted at potential hazards and preparation for the Winter season. We have placed a 5 gal. bucket of cinders at each house so the guests may use these for traction. We will also be closely monitoring those homes with numerous steps to the front door. Snow shovels have been supplied as needed.
In addition to the above, all of the furnaces have been inspected by a licensed heating contractor (unless notified otherwise by the owner) and the fire alarms in each home have been brought up to current standards.
In addition to the above, all of the furnaces have been inspected by a licensed heating contractor (unless notified otherwise by the owner) and the fire alarms in each home have been brought up to current standards.
If you are concerned about the safety of your property, please let us know immediately. Thank you for your cooperation. Gene Bennington gene@benningtonproperties.com