Friday, April 17, 2009

Letter from SROA re: Maintenance Fee Increase

Following the recommendations of SROA's reserves fund specialist, Felix Reserve Group, the SROA Board of Directors unanimously approved placing a measure on this summer's ballot that proposes a maintenance fee increase to properly fund SROA's reserve fund and operations. If successful, the measure would take effect, January 2010.

While the board's action follows the reserve specialist's recommendations, the ultimate decision remains in the hands of all Sunriver owners. Governing documents of the association require that any proposed increase to the maintenance fee greater than 6% must be decided by vote of the ownership. In order for this measure to pass, at least 60% of all votes cast must be in favor of the increase.

Understanding the importance of such an action, the board has prepared a brief explanatory letter of the ballot measure along with an accompanying pamphlet that further explains the nature of our current reserves. Also included is the recommended plan by the reserve specialist. Watch for this to arrive in your mail box next week. SROA General Manager, Bill Peck, has prepared a presentation relative to the reserves. It is posted on the Web site>News & Notices>Your Association Reserves.

Your board and staff are currently planning several town halls to inform owners about this reserve ballot measure. The town hall format provides a structured atmosphere conducive to collaborative problem solving. You are encouraged to attend any of the scheduled gatherings listed below and bring your questions.

SUNRIVER Thursday, May 14 & Wednesday, May 20, 6 pm SROA Administration Building
EUGENE Thursday, May 28 6 pm Phoenix Inn 850 Franklin
SALEM Friday, May 29 6 pm Phoenix Inn 1590 Weston Ct., NE
LAKE OSWEGO Saturday, May 30 10am-12 pm & 2-4 pm Phoenix Inn 14905 Bangy Rd.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Changes in Sunriver

COMMUNITY MEETING TO REVIEW DEMOLITION PLANS – Sunriver Owners Association’s Community Development Department will hold a public meeting at 3 pm, Friday, Apr 24th, to review plans submitted by Rediscover Sunriver Village LLC to demolish buildings 0, 3 & 11 in the Village as part of its redevelopment of the mall. The meeting will be held in building #5 in the space next to the Sunriver Area Chamber of Commerce. Info - 541-593-6645.

IMPROVEMENTS SET FOR SUNRIVER AIRPORT RUNWAY – Work will begin today on widening and repaving the 5,500 ft long runway at Sunriver Airport. 5 feet will be added to the width of the runway and new asphalt applied. When finished in late April, the runway will be able to handle larger and heavier aircraft. Info - 541-593-1000.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Highway 97 Project begins April 6th

The arrow marking south is the existing two lane portion of 97 which will eventually be two lanes of southbound traffic. The arrow marking north shows that ODOT has already begun removing trees for the northbound lanes of traffic. Photo taken by Century Drive/97 Interchange.

Drawing of the new North bound lane being constructed between South Century Dr. and Lava Butte.

ODOT and the US Forest Service are beginning work on the Highway 97 improvement project between the Sunriver/South Century interchange and Lava Butte. Forest clearing operations will be conducted to the east of the current highway in preparation for construction of an additional two lanes of traffic and a separate frontage road that will give access to Lave River Cave and Lava Lands Visitor’s Center. The $31 million project will also provide an improved interchange at Cottonwood Rd. Using stimulus funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, ODOT and the Forest Service are contracting with local companies to do much of the work. They estimate the construction jobs will sustain about 430 local family wage jobs for the duration of the project (completion due by fall 2011). Info - Click here for more information.

Friday, April 3, 2009