Tuesday, November 17, 2009

SROA Board makes decision on Aquatics

The SROA Board recently decided to pursue conceptual designs and cost analysis for a new aquatics facility and site development at the 22-acre amphitheater site in Sunriver. Additionally, staff has been instructed to provide the board with anticipated operating cost projections for all amenity features. Operation of the north and south pools will continue throughout the development process. Addressing the community desire for multiple facility locations, the board has also decided to continue operating the North Pool beyond the amphitheater development phase for the remainder of its useful lifespan. "Considering the complexities of the issue (Sunriver's aquatics future) and the fact that any decision would have a significant impact on the overall future of the Sunriver community for years to come; the board poured over all of the data, owner input and professional recommendations available... these components were critical in our decision to move forward as we did," said Tom Ped, board president.

Features to be considered on this site include an aquatics facility with all support structures and locker rooms, a multi-use facility coordinated to link year round activities on the site, the amphitheater bowl itself and a wintertime sledding area.

Owner forums, both inside and outside of Sunriver, are being scheduled to afford the design team direct owner input regarding the proposed features. Forum dates, times and locations will be announced as soon as details are confirmed. Following board approval, the proposed project will be voted on by the SROA membership in the 2010 annual election next summer. To learn more on the board's decision, and to see a summary of the survey results, be sure to pick up the December Sunriver Scene or visit the association Web site at www.sunriverowners.org. The complete survey results will be posted on the Web site after the Thanksgiving holiday. A big thank you to all who participated in the owner forums and the recent survey, as this information was clearly instrumental in the board's decision-making process.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

We've got SNOW!!!!

It has been snowing the last few days in Sunriver and we finally got our sun back today. We have received approximately 4 inches this last week, although only about 2 inches remain on the ground. It is another beautiful day in paradise.

Its a gorgeous Saturday on the mountain

Mt Bachelor is still projecting a November 20th opening. The terrain is good 2/3 of the way up Pine Martin, but not so great on the top 1/3 (got rocks?). Mt Bachelor is farming snow at mid-mountain to try and cover up the lava rock wind blown areas.

Current Conditions

West Village Depth (6300') 22"
West Village Temperature 21° F
Mid Mountain Depth (7300') 22"
Pine Marten Temperature 18° F
Summit Temperature 21° F


Last Updated Saturday, November 14, 2009 09:40 AM
12 Hour Snowfall 3"
24 Hour Snowfall 3"
72 Hour Snowfall 13"
3" of New Snow since Thursday
Season Total Snowfall 61"

Bend one of America's 25 Recovering Markets

Bend's job market got hammered during the recession because it depends heavily on highly cyclical industries—construction, the retail trade, and tourism. As the overall recovery sets in, Bend and its highly volatile economy should bounce back faster than the rest of the country.

Q1 2010 annualized job growth: 0.8%
Q3 2009 annualized job growth: -4.7%

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Paved trail may link Sunriver, Lava Lands

New path would be 5-mile jaunt for bikers and pedestrians.

SUNRIVER, Ore. — A new plan proposed by the U.S. Forest Service would link Sunriver with the Lava Lands Visitor Center by paved path for bikes and pedestrians.

The Bend Bulletin reports the idea is part of an ongoing effort to link Bend and Sunriver with a paved route. The Forest Service hopes linking the path to the visitors center would make some of the volcanic attractions in the area available by foot or bicycle.

For more information on the proposal, contact Amy Tinderholt at 541-383-4708 or atinderholt@fs.fed.us.

Read Bulletin article at: http://www.bendbulletin.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20091008/NEWS0107/910080403/-1/RSSNEWSMAP


Mt Bach Community members are invited to participate in the public dialogue component of Mt. Bachelor's Master Planning process by reviewing the plan online and attending one of the three remaining scheduled public comment sessions. Prior to submitting the updated Master Plan to the US Forest Service, Mt. Bachelor is seeking comments and input from the public. Four meetings with the public will conclude November 10 followed by a review of comments and final adjustments to the proposal before it is submitted in late December or early January. For Map Review

The first public meeting was held Oct. 29 and the second session is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 4 at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Sunriver. The third session is slated to take place at the Portland Ski Show on Friday, Nov. 6 adjoining the ski show hall at the Portland Expo Center. The fourth and final session returns to Bend on Tuesday, November 10 at the Riverhouse Conference Center. All sessions will begin at 7 p.m. and conclude at approximately 8:30 p.m. All the documents are hosted at www.mtbachelor.com/media.