His passion in photography spans a lifetime. Years ago, he studied at the Indian Arts Institute in Santa Fe, transferred to Brooks Institute (of Photography) in Santa Barbara, and then finally ended his studies at the University of Alaska.
Daniel is currently on his second career here at Bennington Properties. For over 30 years, he worked in the oil industry of Alaska. From the early years on the Aleutian Chain, to the pipeline days, and then many years as a Production Technician for Atlantic Richfield Company at Prudhoe Bay. Even though his job was in Alaska, Dan actually lived in California and then in New Mexico. Needless to say, he racked up some frequent flyer miles trekking back and forth to Alaska.
In 2000, he was offered an early retirement and decided to stay home for a while. Then, after deciding to have a "late in life" family with wife Deb, Daniel decided to be the Mr. Mom at the Nikita Household. After moving to Central Oregon, he was introduced to Robert Bennington and was invited to take on the ever-increasing responsibilities for photography and web site development at Bennington Properties.
Starting this spring, Daniel will be taking a much-earned hiatus and will return on a part-time basis in January 2011. We have really appreciated the dedicated service he has provided and wish him well with this upcoming transition (and look forward to seeing him again in the new year). If you would like to contact him, you can reach him at daniel@benningtonproperties.com.