Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Rep. Gene Whisnant (R-Sunriver) has announced that he has filed to run for re-election as State Representative in House District 53. He served as the vice chair of the House Judiciary Committee in the 2009 session and on the Ways and Means Education Subcommittee. Info – 541-784-8900.

From Rep. Whisnant's website:

It is truly an honor to serve as your State Representative. I want to introduce myself to you and let you know that I am working hard to represent the citizens of District 53 in Deschutes County. As your Representative, my goals are to improve our state's economy, to make our government more efficient, to improve and maintain quality education, to make our communities safer, and to assist and honor our seniors.

I look forward to representing you and need to hear from you to understand your interests and views. I have alreayd had the pleasure of helping some constituents who were having problems with ODOT, the Oregon Health Plan, an Oregon Education Association insurance claim, and with the Oregon Teachers Standards and Practices Commission.

Please contact me at my district office (541)598-7560 or E-mail me at rep.genewhisnant@state.or.us with your ideas, comments, and concerns.

If you'd like to keep up on my official work for you, click here to receive my update.

Gene Whisnant