Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How are bookings doing?

The homes on our program averaged 35% more booked nights in 2007 than all the other property managed homes in Sunriver. We expect to maintain that margin in 2008. We are estimating that by the end of 2008 homes with Bennington Properties will average about 108 nights per year whereas all other property managed homes in Sunriver will average approximately 79 nights per year.

• Our bookings for December are up by 8% compared to last year and advanced bookings for 2009 are up by 27%.

It is evident that Sunriver has not escaped the results of our nation's poor economy. Bookings are down overall for Thanksgiving this year. Currently 77% of our homes are booked for Thanksgiving.

Compared to our competitors, we are faring quite well. Here are the statisitics (as of November 12th) for Thanksgiving bookings at the five competing vacation rental firms in Sunriver:

Discover Sunriver 47% booked
Mountain Resort 52% booked
Sunray 53% booked
Village Properties 58% booked
Sunset 48% booked

We are hopeful that bookings will continue to roll in. After the election last Tuesday, the number of reservations we are receiving has increased.

What will 2009 bring for bookings?

With the economy in somewhat of a turmoil, it is difficult to predict what 2009 might bring us in bookings. We are optimistic that Sunriver will continue to be perceived as a destination of choice for the vacationing public, that people will continue to vacation during these difficult times, and that Sunriver will fair better than other resort destinations because of our affordability.

- Penny Bennington